Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Monday, July 31, 2006

It's hard enough as it is...

We generally just throw all of Genevieve's clothes in with the wash, and I am skilled enough to separate the coloureds and the whites (gosh... what a new-age man!) Still, I have managed to obliterate a nice pink woolen cardigan. (OK... perhaps obliterate is too strong a word, as Nah-nah rebuilt it, she has the technology).

Anyhoo - Naomi stumbled across these washing instructions attached to one of Genevieve's jumpsuits. Yes... the jumpsuits that she sleeps in, dribbles and spews on and defiles in many other unmentionable ways. It's a bit rich don't you think?

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Keen to Wean

Watch the video
As we've mentioned, Genevieve has been showing more interest in food, watching intensely when we've been eating. So we got some organic rice cereal, stirred it into some warmed breast milk, and gave it a go...

Friday, July 28, 2006

The winning of the bread

I'm really looking forward to my weekends these days. It's not because work is getting me down (far from it actually... 2 weeks into my new job and I'm really loving it!) It's because the weekends give me more time with Genevieve.

She really interracts these days, and she's starting to develop at quite a rapid rate. But because there's more happening, there's more that I could potentially miss out on. The day Genevieve discovered she could play with her feet was the day I started at my new job after a few days off. Her tasting of her Mum's apple core has also been during the day while I'm at work.

So let's hope there some things of note this weekend hey? (Of course, even if there isn't, there'll be cuddles!)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

This is a link we've had on the blog for some time (the links on the right of the screen). We have found it to be a very useful online resource for all things to do with baby and beyond. One of the best sections is the forum, where you can post questions or give answers. It's great to see we're all in the same boat.

Other friends have also said that the toddler section is great. So check it out.....

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

It's Nearly Time

Over the last couple of weeks Genevieve has been displaying the signs that she is getting ready to start solids. It is recommended that babies stay on breastmilk (or formula) for the first 6 months until their digestive system is developed enough for them to cope with other food. If they are given solids too early it can lead to allergies or intolerances.

So at 5 months and 2 weeks of age Genevieve has been taking a great interest in what we are eating and has been trying to eat the apples and pears that I have been munching on. To get her ready for her foray into the world of food she has been practising putting a spoon in her mouth to get used to the sensation. Yesterday I put some breastmilk on the spoon so that she starts to get used the spoon having food on it. So by the time she turns 6 months we should be well and truly ready for the experience.

Monday, July 17, 2006

What are those? They're my toes!

Over the last few weeks Genevieve's been getting closer and closer to figuring out that she's got extentions on the end of her body. So finally today she discovered her new instant toys - her feet!

We expect that from here on in, her feet might replace her hands as the things that are constantly in her mouth.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Lurdle becomes a blertle

Genevieve has learned a new trick...

Her general babble, which I lovingly have christened a 'lurdle', purely on what it sounds like, has started to get a bit more 'fruity'.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

It may be Winter, but she's still growin'

We took Genevieve to see Wendy, the Health Nurse today for her monthly grease and oil change. She'd put on 450g (now 5.75kg, or 12lb 7oz), and grown 1cm. So she's adding length and weight at a very consistent rate. Her growth chart is a perfect arc, which is the way, technically, it should be.

After that, we took her for a swim. Perhaps I should change jobs more often, as it has really been great to be sharing these things with Naomi and Genevieve. Genevieve really did enjoy her swim. I honestly think we could keep her in there all day and she wouldn't complain at all!

In the afternoon, we went shopping. Why? Because Geneveive is growing out of many of the funky clothes she received as gifts, so we needed some replacements!

I'm Freeeeeee

I am now discovering the joys of having a baby who will take the bottle and not have to be breastfed every couple of hours. Last night I was able to go out for drinks with Emily from Holden who was finishing up at work and going to a new job.

Attending farewell drinks would not have been possible before this but I was able to leave the house while Cory bathed Genevieve, fed her and put her to bed. I only went out for 2 drinks but it was so good not to have to worry. Although I felt like I was missing something all night - like going out without a handbag. Cory finished work yesterday too and his drinks are Friday night so I will be on Genevieve duty on my own then. It is good to be able to really share the duties or even pass them on to a third party......

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Crunch Time

Well, it's been a while coming, but today we've decided that, after her morning feed, Genevieve isn't getting fed again until she takes it from a bottle.

It is just too difficult and demanding on both of us, and of course especially Naomi, for Genevieve to feed
only from the breast. We've bought every different teat in the Melbourne area, as will as trying a 'sippy-cup' and various other tricks gleaned from books, the web and experienced mothers, and they all say that if all else fails, almost all kids will finally drink from a bottle if they're hungry enough. So, armed with a new, silicon peristaltic teat that is supposed to mimick the feel and elasticity of a real nipple, today is the day. Earplugs at the ready!
  • 7:15am - Genevieve's first morning feed today came a little later than most, possibly due to the fact that it's the weekend so the alarm was off. We decided that she had better get at least one feed in, although she didn't take too much even though her last night-time feed was at 3am.
  • 11:00am - Well, I'd have to say there was a slight amount of success, but only slight. Genevieve was not really interested at all, but there was no chance of caving in as Mummy had left to go do a morning work out at the gym. So armed with the latest in teat technology, I warmed the recently-expressed breast milk, steadied us both in the feeding chair and gave it a go. She pretty-much hated it, but a few times, as she was getting tired, she'd give the bottle a few good sucks. I think, over the course of 10 mins, she probably got about 20 decent sucks in there. That didn't really amount to much in the milk level, but it's a start. She then went to sleep (with a few whingey cries) to await the next round. I hope it gets a bit better than this, or else it's going to be a VERY long day today!
  • 1:15pm - Mum got home and asked for an update. Genevieve was sleeping peacefully, but seeing how she hadn't eaten much, we didn't expect that to be a long nap. Sure enought, she was awake again around 12. So, after stalling it for as long as I could, I tried again, and again with the super-teat (recently sterilized of course!)
    Poor little Genevieve couldn't decide between "Not happy" and "Hungry", but for two good shots, "Hungry" won out and 50mls of milk disappeared from the bottle in very rapid fashion. There was still plenty of complaining though. So we'll see if next time she gets the hint...
  • 2:10pm - She looked like she was getting pretty tired, so we thought we'd put her down for a nap, but there was trying another feed to come first. Not interested at all, and the "Not happy" certainly won out.
  • 3:10pm - We were watching King Kong on DVD and there was a quite a loud fog horn at about the 50 minute mark. Both Naomi and I looked at each other, as we thought that it would wake her, and it did. So it was time for another try. Again, she complained, but then latched on and downed 65ml in one go. Little piglet!
  • 6:10pm - After running a few errands we did our normal tummy-time and naked-time, then bath and feed before bed. But this time, it was Daddy supplying the feed.
    At first, she didn't seem to be very interested and was grizzling and crying. But then, she was latched on and an astounding 110mls disappeared from the bottle in very quick fashion. Naomi and I then tagged and Genevieve finished off with quite a good pull on the real thing. This was followed very shortly after by a HUGE burp and seconds later Naomi wearing most of what she had contributed.
So, with the exception of the huge spew at the end of the day, we'd have to declare the day a huge success. Of course, she still much prefers the real thing (wouldn't you?), but now we're pretty confident that with a little coaxing she'll take the bottle when hungry. We'll try to give her one every day or two, so she doesn't forget.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Genevieve, Ready.... GO!

Watch the video

We thought we'd post some footage of us trying out the Laurie Laurence "Kids Alive" water awareness training as it's been really successful. In this clip, I probably pause a little too long between the "ready...." and the "GO!", but she's so accustomed to it now, it doesn't really matter. As you'll see, she is sort of 'tolerating' it in this clip. Sometimes she really enjoys it. If she does get a bit grumpy, then we don't do it again during that bath time and wait until the next day.

And this week, Naomi couldn't help herself when she took Genevieve swimming and tried the "Genevieve, Ready.... GO!" and then the full dunk. Worked a treat! Now we just have to find some "Kids Alive" classes at a pool near us.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Monkey see, monkey do!

Genevieve is really starting to copy expressions as you can see. If I smile, she smiles and if I laugh at her, she laughs back. She'll even 'chew' if Cory and I are eating.

Here she is copying the mouth open in surprise expression. It is a great way to distract her when she starts to get grumpy.


Watch the video

Genevieve is steadily putting on weight - but you couldn't describe her as being one of those 'Michelin Man' kids. Perhaps this is why?

Quicktime 1.7MB

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Gone to see a man about...

We have trained our friends well.

When Vicky and Geoff decided it has been too long since a bunch of friends had caught up, they suggested Mountain Goat Brewery as the venue. So, of course, we were there with bells on (especially because they again have their Winter seasonal 'Surefoot Stout' available on tap).

But it appears that little Genevieve isn't that happy with going out of an evening any more. She didn't really enjoy the car ride over, but settled reasonably quickly once we arrived. But we made the mistake of passing her over to Vicky who was dying for a hold - and G never really recovered. She's a bit weird with other people at the momnet, so don't take it personally if you're on the receiving end of a bit of a howl.

Still - seeing how we haven't been going out as much, I suppose it's a bit of a change that is difficult to cope with. We'll see if things change in the next few months, coz the stout is not available all year 'round. ;)