Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

It's Nearly Time

Over the last couple of weeks Genevieve has been displaying the signs that she is getting ready to start solids. It is recommended that babies stay on breastmilk (or formula) for the first 6 months until their digestive system is developed enough for them to cope with other food. If they are given solids too early it can lead to allergies or intolerances.

So at 5 months and 2 weeks of age Genevieve has been taking a great interest in what we are eating and has been trying to eat the apples and pears that I have been munching on. To get her ready for her foray into the world of food she has been practising putting a spoon in her mouth to get used to the sensation. Yesterday I put some breastmilk on the spoon so that she starts to get used the spoon having food on it. So by the time she turns 6 months we should be well and truly ready for the experience.


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