Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Angel wings

Genevieve had her 1 year check up today even though she is not quite 1. The Maternal Health nurse thought it was better to get it done before she went into childcare fulltime just in case she had a reaction to the injections.

She was weighed and measured and everything is on track although she had lost a bit of weight due to her having gastro last week. We will weigh her again in 3 months to make sure she has regained it. Her development is great and she is doing some things that they would expect an 18 month old to be doing, although she isn't walking yet.

Genevieve then had 3 big needles - 1 in her leg and 1 in each arm. She screamed!!! It was quite distressing but she stopped as soon as the needles were out and she got a cuddle. She is such a good girl and looks so cute with her little cotton wool balls on her arms where she had the needles.

She was a bit unhappy and restless last night but apart from that doesn't seem to have had any adverse reactions.


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