Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Tri, tri again

Genevieve escorting us to the triathlons is going quite well. She gets a bit of feed while I'm doing mine, and then has a bit of a sleep while Nai is doing hers.

In this photo, you can see Genevieve (looking the other way, but soon to be) looking at her mummy coming from the swim leg in her transition to the bike leg. Yay Mummy!

After her sleep, it's jockeying for a good position up near the finish line to see her come up the finishing race.

We are constantly amazed with how great she is. We really can take her anywhere and she has a great time. As long as there's colour, movement and people, she's in heaven.


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