Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Monday, January 01, 2007

NYE down the beach

Last year's NYE was a quiet affair. Naomi was seven-months pregnant, and the temp was over 40 so we didn't feel like doing much.

This year had a similar sentiment. So, instead of taking up one of the array of 'party' or 'restaurant' invitations we received, instead we took
up Kellie's offer of heading down to their place in Queenscliff for the weekend.

We also took the opportunity to have a bit of a surf, with our good friend Andrea who lives in Barwon Heads and who provides lodging for our surfboards. It was great to see her again. Naomi managed to get five or six good waves in, but the surf started to die when I went out. (Either that, or Naomi is a good surfer and I'm crap).

Genevieve adores the beach. Nai has taken her to our local beach at Williamstown a few times, but that doesn't really get any waves, so this was her first real experience with it.

And, of course, because we hadn't caught up since Christmas, there was the customary exchanges. And, as usual, Genevieve scored well. This, however, was a gift that we got for Kellie and Erich's boys. I'm thinking Genevieve might be getting one for her birthday.

The NYE itself was pretty chilled. Just a BBQ in the backyard (sorry... one of the best BBQs I've eaten in a long time!) Lots and lots of red wine. A bit of annoying the neighbours with some loud music.

"We've got three children in here you know..."
"Funny about that... so have we!"

But by the end of it, we were very happy to get home, relax, start the whole washing/cleaning cycle and get ready for the dash up to Sunbury to pick up Ben (thanks Nanna!)

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