Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I've heard far too many women complain about their husbands/ partners not getting up to think that it's just a matter of blokes being lazy. I will often sleep through Genevieve's cries, although a slight stirring of the dog or a possum in the tree will wake me. Perhaps there's a primal reason - so I can go hunting the next day?

Anyway, last night was not one of those nights. We've been trying to stop Genevieve needing a night-feed (which is a pretty normal thing to do at around 6 months). One strategy, that has worked, more-or-less, is Genevieve getting a 'dream' or 'roll-over' feed at around 10:30pm. This means that (hopefully) she won't get hungry until the morning. However, she is still in the habit of waking around 3am or so. Generally, she'll just wake, gurgle to herself a little and then settle herself back to sleep.

Last night, however, we had hours of screaming. She was overtired and just wouldn't settle. In the end, it was a bit easier for me to settle her, as I don't smell like her next meal.

So Naomi and I were suffering. It was the worst night I'd had since Genevieve was a newborn. But, of course, Little-G woke up bright as a button. Perhaps she was just getting me back for the prosepect of inheriting the family nose?


  • At 12:43 pm, Blogger Ange said…

    Hi there - I love your or should I say Genevieve's blog! So much so that it has inspired me to create one for my son, Nicholas. I came across it when I was doing some googling on the joys of starting a baby on solids, in particular what to do when they start grabbing the spoon and chomping on it when there's no tomorrow! Anyways, it struck me that there are a couple of parallels in our lives - babies born in Feb (Nicky's birthday is on 4 Feb 2006), we have 2 dogs (I smiled when I read of your concern about introducing your dog to Genevieve), and funnily enough, I had a shocker of a night with Nicky on 22 Aug, which I believe is the same night you had a bad night with Genevieve. Spooky huh??? Anyway, just thought I would say hi, introduce myself and say thanks for introducing me to the wonderful world of baby-blogging!! Cheers, Ange

  • At 9:12 pm, Blogger Cory said…

    Yeah. Nicky's pretty cute and your blog's great too. We find it's a great way to keep ppl up to date, no matter where they are. is a great Aussie site if you're interested. We get a lot out of the forums.


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