Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Water wings

I'd been looking forward to today all week, and not just because it was the weekend. Naomi had managed to find a pool that wasn't too far away, that practiced the water awareness training we were keen to try - beyond what we had been doing ourselves. Part of it is to get started as young as possible, and our local pool doesn't allow babies under 1 year old in their lessons.

But this one has their yardstick at 6 months, so we were in. Each week, they try a new basic skill and this week it was bobbing under water - which is a good thing as it's something we've been practicing with Genevieve for months now. It was a lot of fun, with
lots of appropriation of nursery-rhyme lyrics to give them more aquatic themes. She was the youngest there, so everyone was quite impressed we were taking the effort. And, of course, everyone adored her.

Genevieve really seemed to have a ball, and her eyes were darting around taking it all in. She did get somewhat distracted by a lot of it, and so at times almost took in a lungful. But she didn't let it stop her, and the half-hour rolled around very quickly. It'll be good to go to every weekend.


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