Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Time for a manicure

It's difficult not to get annoyed with the number of scratches I've been receiving from a wayward Genevieve hand - in particular during feeding (no, I don't feel the need for further detail there).

I thought it was time that I put a stop to that and give her a decent manicure, with some specially purchased scissors. We got the scissors because the first time Cory cut her fingernails, he managed to make one of her fingers bleed. So it was somewhat cautiously that I gave it another go.

We had much greater success this time (it was actually quite easy) so her nails are now trim and look great. (They're actually quite strong, so I'm sure she'll be glad of that in years to come).


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