Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Welcome to my world

Wake up (from someone's waaa, ah-waah, AH-WAAAAAH). Bare my breasts to the world - again! Change an overflowing nappy. Just what colour would you call that? Try to settle the screaming. Perhaps another top-up feed? Oh... put the washing on. Damn... I forgot to have a shower. Yesterday I didn't have lunch until 3:30. I'd better get out of the pyjamas before Cory gets home. What was that I just stepped in? We're having a pretty good day - that means we'll get to go for a walk. Damn - it's just started raining. I hope Cory finds the smell of milk-vomit becoming. He's just arrived home... "Hi babe! Genevieve wants a hug"... Now... RUN!


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