Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The family's first sporting event

You can blame Triathlon for this one. After Nai introduced me to Triathlon last Summer, we found that doing a few 'fun' runs was both achievable (neither of us are great in the running stakes) and of course helped with the training. We also factor in that many are charity runs, so it starts to sound like a good idea.

Progressively, the distances have got longer until today, we did the Run for the Kids (which made $400,000 for Melbourne's Royal Children's Hospital) - which for me meant a whopping 14.7 km! Naomi did the shorter 4.5km course but hey... I didn't give birth only 8 weeks ago, so a far more impressive achievement. Nor did I push the Genmeister in her jogger for the distance - that was Naomi as well. This photo is the lovely Genevieve sporting her jogging outfit - yep... rugged up to the nines, safely secured in her three-wheeler.

We took the train to the event (with my mate Joe and I starting out around an hour before Naomi and Genevieve), but we walked the 2.5km home, which helped with the soreness. Still, if you look at Genevieve and I in this photo, you can tell that I'm pretty tired.

Next run is the Mother's Day Classic (for breast cancer), which after her acheivements today, Nai thinks she'll do the full 8km distance. I will too - but this time it'll be me pushing little Genevieve along.


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