Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

We go to Wendy's house

This week seemed to roll around pretty quickly and it was time to go and see our maternal health nurse. It was also a good chance to test-drive one of the strollers. Here we see the beautiful, and shrinking, Naomi strolling through the park.

Wendy again asked if we had any questions. We were concerned that over the past day, Genevieve was getting
a bit or a rash on her tail (pretty common - as are many rashes. One of our books has a whole chapter on rashes!) Wendy agreed that it was time to take action, so it's cream on the tail until it subsides.

There was also the standard weights and measures. It appears that our little Genevieve is not quite so little anymore. She's grown 4cm since birth. And in the week since last weigh-in, she's put on a whopping 355g (remember... 150g per week is the average). Way to go Genevieve!

In their last few weeks in utero, little bubbies just stack on the weight. Seeing how Genevieve missed out on this, she still has a little catching up to do, but that puddin-belly is progressing nicely!


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