Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Wendy comes to visit

Sometimes, the Government does get some things right. When you have a kid, they assign you to a local maternal health nurse. Every month or so, you are to rock up to their office and get your kid weighed, injected and measured, with it all being recorded in their special funky little folder/booklet.

But for your first meeting, they come to you. That was no stress for Wendy, as her office is directly over the park from our place - a good 4 minute walk. (She did end up driving here however, as it just worked out easier that way). She ran us through the processes, the vaccination regemin and asked if we had any questions. It was all pretty cool.

In her backpack she had a set of scales, and so Genevieve was weighed. Now there may have been some variation in the accuracy of the scales from the previous day, but it appears that Genevieve had put on 101g in around 24 hours. Seeing how the average is 150g per week, we were pretty impressed. I suppose we'll get her weight gain confirmed onthe next Thursday, when she's weighed again, but this time, at Wendy's office.


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