Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Morning tea with Nanna and Aunty Sue

One of Thel's close friends is down from the NSW coast to see her new granddaughter, so they dropped around this morning for a cuppa. So Genevieve got a visit from Aunty Sue and her Nanna Thel. Of course, the coffee machine decided to go on the blink, but hey, it was all good in the end.

It'd been a while since Sue had come for a visit, so it was cuddles all around. She was amazed with how much she's grown. She's a regular reader of these-here posts, but it's no replacement for actual kisses and cuddles from the real thing. Genevieve was pretty rapt too - she loves the attention.


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