Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Mmmm.... flesh... Mwah ha ha ha....

We're not big on imported holidays. I was never one for putting fake snow around at Christmas, for example. So the whole Halloween thing I never really got. Ask any Australian schoolage kid what Halloween means and they'll no doubt respond with that's when people give you lollies.

So, having said that, the hypocrites that we are, we thought we'd dress Genevieve in something and knock on next door. John and Neen are expecting their own next year, and love a visit from Genevieve whenever we can, so it was a good excuse.

When we arrived, they were just finishing off some chicken from the local char-grilled place. Nina was about to throw out the remains of the bird, so I pounced and hoed in. Then Naomi shocked me by suggesting that I might want to give Genevieve a piece. I asked if she was sure (as this was would be Genevieve's first meat and Nai is a strict vegetarian. She replied yes so after again confirming I tore her off a strip and plonked it in her hand. She loved it!

Postscript : Naomi bought Genevieve and I some chicken on Sunday. Not 3 minutes after the purchase, a bird crapped on her head. I think the birds thought she was safe and would not partake of murdering their bretheren. But upon spying one of their supporters, with murdered fowl in hand, took their revenge.


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