Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Survived another day

I'm shattered. It's been a big few days. Genevieve can be hard work, especially when she doesn't sleep much during the day, or wakes at 4am and turns on her music box all by herself to have a play. However, when she says things like "mum" it makes it all worth while. She has said "mum" a lot lately but I don't think it is directed at me :( It is normally directed at food..... but I guess that is me (indirectly).

She is also pushing herself right up on her arms and trying to wriggle her legs under herself which is practice for crawling. Although she is rolling from tummy to back she hasn't rolled from back to tummy yet. Over the last week she has started to reach above her head and will turn on to her side but will deliberately pull herself back so that she doesn't roll over onto her tummy.

We went to see Wendy today for a weigh-in and general check up. The variety of food Genevieve will eat is steadily increasing, with mango and banana now regulars. Her waistline is increasing too. She now weighs 6.9kg (15lb3) having put on 680g in the last month. Still, there was a kid in the US born the other day weighing more than that. She's grown 3cm and is now 67cm long. She must be taking everyone saying how gorgeous she is to heart, as her head has swelled by 1.3cm. So on the percentile charts she is at the 20th percentile for weight, 60th for length and 80th for head. Which means she is tall and skinny with a big head ..... maybe she will get an invitation to the Brownlow when she is older (haha). Wendy was very happy with her growth and development as she has been pretty constant since birth and she confirmed that Genevieve is a happy, healthy little girl!


  • At 11:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice one! Scout and I went to MCHN on Friday (8 months!) and Scout had done the same - put on a massive 1.5 centimetres on her head or something. Sheesh. So she's short and skinny with a big head. Just like her mum. Except for the skinny bit.


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