Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Saturday, June 17, 2006


As we've mentioned previously, Genevieve loves to suck her fist. As with most things, we've looked it up and it's standard kid behaviour as they become more aware of their bodies and their environment.

What we have been keeping a watch on is that she is doing 'Suckyfist' and not 'Suckythumb'. Depending up who you listen to, or what you read, the thumb could develop into a nasty habit. We've tried, a few times, to substitute a dummy (which is far easier to control - you can't really take away her thumbs!) but she's not interested.

We're not overly concerned, however, as she is really more just chewing and exploring at this stage. So, on the odd occasion when it isn't her fist, it's 'Chewythumb' more than 'Suckythumb'. Many of the advisors/books also say that it's all perfectly natural, and not an indicator that she'll suck her thumb as a habit. Similarly, even though she favours her left hand, it isn't an indicator that she will be left (or right) handed.

Still, it can be most annoying when she's doing it at 2:23am and you are trying to get some sleep! (But cute, otherwise).


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