Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

4 month check up

Today was Genevieve's 4 month check up and immunisation with the maternal nurse. Given her recent form in the sleeping (or not sleeping) stakes we were sure that she must have grown. And sure enough - she had! Coming in at 62cm in length and 5.3 kg in weight she is still on target for 50th percentile length and head circumference. She is still below that for weight but Wendy said that breast fed babies often have that growth pattern and usually start putting on more weight between months 5 and 6. My mum also said that in size Genevieve is very much like me as I was quite a small baby until 6 months when I started to gain weight. I am hoping that Genevieve is going to be a bit taller than me though!

Genevieve is also doing everything that she is meant to be doing developmentally so Wendy was very pleased with her progress to the point that she said that she "is thriving".

Then it was immunisation time and she got 2 shots in her right leg and 1 in her left. She screamed and went purple again but as soon as she was put on the breast she forgot all about the pain. There was no adverse reaction so we were able to home and Genevieve then slept for 2.5 hours.... maybe we should get her immunised every day....


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