Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Friday was my birthday. But (thankfully), it became one of those birthdays that comprised of quite a number of happy events over a few days.

I did go to work on Friday, but the girls came in to town and had lunch with me. There was then a trip to Mountain Goat Brewery (just for a change) that evening, people back at our place, my Mother on Sat morning, catching up with others on Sat arvo and a dinner party in the evening.

Sunday morning was Naomi's first ride on her road bike in almost a year, kicking off her training for the 210km Around the Bay in a Day. It was good seeing the team members I rode with last year. We visited the neighbours and did the stupor-market shopping.

Throughout all of this, Genevieve was with me - and that's the best birthday present of all. She cried from time to time, but was generally incredibly well behaved even though she was out and about so much. And sleeping for 10 hours straight two nights in a row (and a fair bit during the day as well) is always going to be welcomed.


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