Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Not Happy Gen

Last week Genevieve was a miserable little girl. She was unsettled and screaming (see picture) a lot. She wouldn't sleep during the day and wanted only Mummy and Daddy.

As the week progressed I got more tired and frustrated. We didn't know what to do and by Friday I was at the end of my tether. So Cory came home from work with dummies (which we'd been trying to avoid) and gripe water (as suggested by Kellie's fella, Erich who is an expert with 2 boys of his own).

Anyway the dummy failed as Genevieve spat it - literally. No substitute for the real thing I suppose. So we then tried the gripe water which went down badly but produced some wind and Genevieve then slept for 10 hours straight. So it looks like the gripe water did the trick and that Genevieve was grumpy from the wind building up in her belly.

I'm sure that some would say that Genevieve is 'colicy', but after Cory spoke with some people whose kids had had colic, we think she's just a bit grumpy from lack of sleep.


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