Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Not number ones... but...

The following has been hidden, just so it doesn't offend any delicate sensibilities. If you choose to read it, just highlight the intentionally difficult to read text below with your mouse. But a warning - it contains poo! (No photos, thankfully!)

The little girl is a poo machine! It is astounding, but it appears what comes out is of far greater volume that what goes in. Thankfully, they are all rather well formed and easy to deal with. In fact, with our FuzziBunz nappies they just slide straight off and into the toilet. But that's when she's wearing the nappy.

We've had the one in the bath. (Just once so far, thankfully).

We've had the one in the bathers (well... it is a swimming nappy).

But recently, she's taken to slicing one off during her regular naked time of an evening. No worries, Naomi thinks, the perfect chance for some potty training. So Naomi bought a potty and the naked time now starts with a bit of 'sit and think' time. It seems to be working pretty well. Last night, she did a whopper. So we thought we were safe. (We thought...)

We let her crawl up our hallway, chasing the cat. A few minutes later, from the distance of our lounge, I saw something suspicious in our hallway in line with our bathroom. So I sprint up, and Genevieve excitedly crawls to meet me - straight through it.

Lots of laughter, gagging, cleaning and disinfecting.


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