Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Laksa Queen

One of our regular haunts is Laksa King. In fact, Cory's been going there for many years, as he used to have a laksa every week before his radio show. Unfortunately, during the pregnancy I wasn't partial to anything spicy - it gave me heartburn.

So it was with great anticipation that I suggested to Cory that we go to the King for a laksa tonight. So we decided it was a go-er, put the girl in the jogger and walked there. And I'm happy to say (once they fixed up my order and actually gave me a vegetarian one) that it tasted great. It's great to no longer be suffering any heartburn, and so again being able to
eat a lot of the foods which the heartburn caused me to avoid. Wine tastes great again. We had Indian the other night. Even bread is better. And, curiously, my desire for chocolate (especially the mid-afternoon fix) has diminished back to its pre-pregnancy levels.

Genevieve, the little trooper, just gurgled or slept in her jogger. As usual, she appreciated the walk (although we only just made it back in time before the siren started).


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