Now and Gen

The adventures of Genevieve Claudia. It's the Little-G against the world - winner takes all!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Feeding - update

Last weekend we got one of those 'gliding' chairs (like a rocking chair, but not) on eBay. Cory picked it up and gave it a paint and tightened a few bolts. I would never have bought one new as I don't like them that much, but Genevieve seems to respond well to the motion and it works as a feeding chair.

The feeding seems to be working and is becoming easier. Genevieve is also more efficient and doesn't need to feed for as long each side (from about 25-30 mins each side down to now around 15-20 mins each side). She can still muck about, particularly if she has wind.

Sometimes, though, she gets a bit clingy and she seems to need to latch on for comfort, rather than from hunger. It's hard to tell from her cry whether she's really hungry or just needs a comfort feed.

Overall, though, it is a more normal and natural thing now. The big test, however, will be when I have to do it in public.


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